Saturday, May 12, 2012


FACT TO KNOW: When President Clinton was in the midst of his scandals, someone leveled the accusation that, while he was a governor, he used state police officers to find him women to have liaisons with. I don't recall if this charge was ever proved.

THE STORY: It would surprise many to learn that New Jersey has a number of Indian tribes, and, that many tribal members play the piano. Some major in music at college. One day I was on my way to the home of a tribal Chief to tune his piano, when, I happened to hear on the car radio that a law had been passed decreeing that all Indian Chiefs were to be accorded the same privileges as state governors. When I arrived I commented, "Well Chief, I understand you are to be honored just like a governor." The elderly Chief, usually a man of few words, smiled and said, "True, and even as we speak, I have state troopers out looking for women for me."