Monday, December 5, 2016
BLOG DIRECTORY: The blog you are on now is JOHN AARON STORIES and there are over 50 entries. To read them all keep scrolling down on your screen until you come to the end of what you think is the last story. Then, look to the bottom right and click on the link OLDER POSTS. Keep repeating until you come to the actual end. John Aaron Stories contains true accounts of incidents that actually happened during my long carrier as a piano technician.
A second blog I write is WELSH STORY TELLER which can be accessed by going to the ABOUT ME profile and clicking on MY COMPLETE PROFILE and scrolling to the bottom of the profile. Click the WELSH STORY TELLER link. This blog can also be accessed directly at The entries in WELSH STORY TELLER are based on actual incidents that happened to my family and friends, but, are fictionalized for comedic entertainment. They are typical of stories I tell at my public speaking engagements. We Welsh have a saying, "Truth is a poor story teller."
The third blog I write is called JOHN AARON COOKS which can also be accessed by going to MY COMPLETE PROFILE and scrolling down to the JOHN AARON COOKS link. It can also be accessed directly at JOHN AARON COOKS contains stories and recipes drawn from my hobby of cooking.
The fourth blog I write is JACK OF HEARTS HOBO which can be accessed by going to the ABOUT ME profile and clicking on MY COMPLETE PROFILE, or, accessed directly at This blog is about another hobby I enjoy, recreational hoboing.
The fifth blog I write is JOHN AARON POETRY which can be accessed by going to the ABOUT ME profile and clicking on MY COMPLETE PROFILE, or, accessed directly at
Enjoy all five blogs. JOHN