Friday, July 11, 2014


In 1970 Candid Camera's Allen Funt secretly filmed people's reactions to unexpected encounters with nudity in unusual situations, such as when a naked young woman casually exits an elevator.  He titled his movie, WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A NAKED LADY?  In more that fifty years of going into peoples homes to take care of their pianos I've had a number of such encounters.  I have yet to come up with a good answer to Allen Funt's question.

My first encounter was back in the days when the World was deemed a safer place and young children were permitted to answer the door.  I rang a door bell and a little girl answered.  I asked if her mommy was home.  She motioned  me to follow her.  Mommy was indeed home....IN THE BATHTUB!  I resolved never to follow a child into a house again.

Another encounter occurred when I arrived at a rural residence on a sunny summer day.  As I got out of my car, after coming up a long gravel driveway, a female voice called out, "I'm in the yard by the pool."  It was there that I found my customer sunbathing in the nude. Embarrassed she explained that she had forgotten her appointment with me, but, was expecting her sister.  When she heard my car she thought I was her sibling.

At one point I was training a young apprentice who was studying for the ministry at an ultra conservative Bible college.  My customer's college aged daughter answered the door and then went out to the pool where some of her friends were waiting.  The picture window, where the piano was situated, overlooked the pool.  After a while she and her friends stripped off their clothes and went skinny dipping in the pool.  She either forgot we could see them for the window, or, simply didn't care.  My Bible college apprentice just kept muttering, "This is Evil!  Evil!  Evil!"  I think I was more amused by his reaction than the goings on around the pool.

I've tuned pianos at nudist resorts, burlesque houses, strip clubs, and legitimate theaters doing nude productions, but, in such instances, one is more or less, prepared.  It's the surprises that leave you fumbling for words.